Here you find best practice and a lot of how to examples about Trap-Neuter-Return and management of feral cat colonies. We give you information how to improve the life of Sicilian feral cats with simple means.
The most important thing to cats, who must be homeless is neutering. Neutering of unowned feral cats and neutering of outdoor cats, which have an owner. Only neutering can reduce the suffering on the streets. The feral cats of Sicily, and elsewhere, did not live there forever, they are all the offspring of abandoned cats.
And even after neutering it is not good and safe for the cats on the streets. Some colonies have so many cats that they will not get enough food during the winter. In summer they were often fed by tourists but in winter they must look for other resources. And they are also suffering a lot from parasites. They do not get deworming or treatment against fleas and ticks. These parasites take a lot of vital energy from them. In case of illness or accident there is no veterinary care. We hope you find some ways to make their life better, look our ideas about it.