Every cat should have somebody who cares for it!
We are convinced reducing the suffering of feral cats is only possible by neutering all feral cats and outdoor cats. Therefore, we are working to prevent not just the reproduction of feral cats but also reduce the increase of feral cat communities by contact with unneutered outdoor cats. Concretely we focus on these tasks:
- provide information on feral cats
- provide information about programes like Trap-Neuter-Return and management of colonies of feral cats
- execute and attend campaigns for neutering (feral cats and pets) to prevent unwanted offspring and the abandoning of kittens
- provide information about handling of feral cats and cat colonies with focus on the special Mediterranean situation
- discuss best practices in helping street cats
- motivate people, companies, and communities to get engaged in helping feral cats in their town or village
- present a platform to make animal welfare work more efficient and to help engaging volunteers
- Reduce populations of feral cats and abandoned cats. Every cat should have a home or somebody who cares for it